Sunday, November 8, 2009

Post breakup week 1

1. go to mother's house and walk around the garden and cry
2. go to local bar and drink tequila shots and play darts with the townies. get advice from drunk private detective and ambulance chaser about how to get him back
3. watch dumb romantic comedies and finally realize why they're dumb
4. consult psychic. more on this another time.
5. listen to buddhist podcasts on attachment and forgiveness
6. plant tulips in shape of star. Roll eyes at mother for calling it sacred geometry
7. change facebook status and delete most photos of he and I but leave one where I look glamorous
8. freshen up blonde highlights
9. light a candle blessed by John of God and burn journals and astrological readings from the past year while sipping cava
10. go to sub mercer and get ogled by eurotrash

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